Market Committee Karachi

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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White (Local): 27,000

Gram Black: 27,250

Gram Pulse: 28,750

Moong: 35,000

Moong Pulse: 37,000

Mash: 42,000

Mash Pulse (Imported, Washed): 45,000

Masoor Pulse (Local): 25,500

Potato (Fresh): 4,800

Onion: 6,700

Garlic (China): 57,800

Ginger (China): 35,350

Spinach: 1,750

Logged in Users: 1  Visitors: 10  Today’s Available Mandies: 3  Today’s Available  Commodities: 110